Monday, May 20, 2013

the cat won't tell

it's been a nice quiet week at work. there's been some talk around the office about stupid boy, apparently he didn't make any friends on the last project he worked on. and by the sound of the chatter it seems like they wanted rid of him too. 

and then I had coffee with a friend on Saturday who updated me on blondie. blondie is a problem looking for a place to happen. she's landed herself in more poop and this time it looks like she isn't going to be able to dig herself out of it. she's a party girl whose partying has interferred with work for the last time.

E is away working on a course and she must be bored because she keeps texting me, making conversation. she'd have better luck if she phoned me.
I don't carry on conversations over text messaging, all that tiny tiny typing is tedious.

I hope next week is about the same pace as this past week has been, I like a lull in the crazy at times.

I'm meeting GiGi for coffee later, at least I get to have human interaction today.
I love my cat but she doesn't do girl talk.
she doesn't do talk at all.
I need to get out of here.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

bye bye stupid

so I don't get to see a plastic surgeon, apparently I'm not worth allocating the funds for it.
there is comfort though in knowing what-comes-around-goes-around.
stoopid hospital bean counter, wouldn't want to be her when this completes its circle. enjoy bitch.
and now we are back to the original plan of seeing the physio hand expert in sackville.
and I'll take it cause it might work.........
the doc did give me meds but they only take the edge off so for now pain still keeps me company.

I seem to be a cornucopia of pain these days.
my feet still hurt and no one can find a way to fix it. actually there is a fix - stop using my feet.
as this isn't an option I'm going to consider I will continue with physio and hope for the best.
in the meantime I signed up for two 10k runs. more misery.......why not?

stupid boy at work is moving on. he's taking his career in a completely different direction.
I can't see this working out well for anyone who works under him but he'll not be breathing the same air as me so win win. and good riddance.
I can't see the moron doing well in any career, he's petty, small minded, weird and is controlled by his wife.
from his conversation at work it's obvious that his wife wears the pants in that house.
this idiot doesn't even get to decide which route he takes to drive to work.
I'm such a nice person that I told the boss about a decision stupid boy made yesterday that I know was completely inane.
I know I'm a bitch but I get over it :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Goodbye monday

It's Tuesday, which means Monday is behind me, and I'm grateful for that cause Monday was a fuck of a day. Felt crappy all day, mostly because I ate crap all weekend. I've done this before so I don't think I'm going to learn anything anytime soon from repeating the process.

Had a meeting with the financial planner this afternoon. She wants me to save money. Lady with my track record for handling money you'd better have a rabbit in that hat. We shall see.

I saw my hairdresser on Saturday, Fred Connor, wonderful man and knows what to do with this mop.
I've had so many bad hair cuts over the years, let me say that Fred is worth the money.

I'm sitting in starbuck's and even tho there's enough people and enough noise here the din barely registers with me. Between the pain in my feet, and back, and hands I have developed a massive headache.
I saw the doc today and he's sending me to a plastic surgeon to see what he can do about my hands. As a woman of the 21st century I always expected to see a plastic surgeon at some point. Didn't expect it to be for hands tho.
The plastic surgeon is all booked up until this summer and then he's taking the summer off. I won't get to see him until September at the earliest. Clearly I chose the wrong profession.
I tried to explain to the doc that the cupboard doors might not last that long. Yes he was confused. I like to smash things when I'm mad and I'm mad when I'm in pain. Cracks have already started to show along the top of the cupboards and down the sides. My pots and pans have more dents now and I've broken the largest of the burners on the stove. I may not get the damage deposit back on this place when I move.