Saturday, April 27, 2013

A day in saturday

My Sat consists of sitting in starbucks and drinking coffee so far.

Had some blog reading to catch up on and I seriously needed a caffeine fix.
Meeting up with K later but I might be coffee'ed out by then. Meh, we'll see.
It's been a slow week and I'm freaking glad it's over. Freedom could never be over rated.

New guy is starting to annoy me, I think he reports all my activity. I know he does. I can't figure out if he's a backstabber by nature or if he's just bored and I'm in his line of sight.

I submitted a claim at work and now I owe the company almost $300. How the fuck does this happen???
They're fucked in the head. I don't have the head space to deal with the assbastards either.

I'm supposed to be eating better, a healthy balanced diet blah blah blah............
So far today I've had a can of vienna sausages, and a rice krispy square here at starbucks. That's protein and whole grains taken care of. Rice is a fucking grain, at least to the Chinese it is, so its full-speed-ahead-carbs tonite.

Well I'm outta here, must go to sobeys and fight with them over 20 airmiles they owe me.

Monday, April 22, 2013

it's monday again

nobody likes mondays but as far as mondays go, this one was quite good.

the only blip in the day was having my workout time wasted.
I'm ok with wasting my own time but not so much ok with someone else doing it for me.
oh well. until these workout classes are over and done with I have to show up for them.

I even managed to get my table at starbucks. yes. mine. my table.

monday even went better than saturday did.
I spent most of saturday here at starbucks with K.
K is a super computerer kinda person.
hell anyone who knows how to turn a computer on is more advanced than I am.
I bought a BB touchpad about a year ago and could never get the thing to work.
I spent near 3 hours at Bell Aliant when I first got it and they couldn't figure it out.
trying to understand it on my own was a new kind of headache.
my idea of asprin was to throw it in a drawer and forgot about it - until last week when I begged K to take a look at it.
when she had trouble getting it up and running I knew I'd never stood a chance with the thing.

thank you K.

Monday, April 15, 2013

a purrfect evening

what does it say about me when I'm desperately in need of toilet paper but I don't want to go out and buy any?
I might be lazy.
however, I prefer to think of it as completely disinterested in moving. from my sofa. for the rest of the evening.

I feel very cat-like at the moment.
feel like curling up for a nap and ignoring the rest of the world.

speaking of my muse, he's curled up next to me. likes to latch onto my arm while I'm typing. not sure if his intent is to help or hinder but he is distracting.
the last time the vet weighed him he registered a little over 23 lbs.
not bad.
he's been on a diet for two years now and only gained 3 lbs. I'm a great cat care person....

Sunday, April 14, 2013


it's sunday morning so where else would I be.
it's also raining....ish.

this weekend has been a complete bust weather wise, it's a shitty grey sky out there and so I don't feel much like moving. I did make it to Starbucks, obviously, and so this is the extent of my weekend.

on the upside I did manage to get my table for a change. I'm sharing it with a couple of older ladies who are playing cards but they're not rowdy so they can stay.
actually, funny of the ladies, whom I met here at Starbucks, is my former doctor's mother.
this is a seriously small world we live in.

and that's my sunday.